Khoi Roots Storytelling

Conscious Tourism in Southern Africa

Explore the worlds of the indigenous people in Southern Africa through conscious tourism.

Too often we see travel articles of destinations many of us can only dream of venturing to. The voice of the article is always one of entitlement and assumes that everyone has the privilege of leaving their day-to-day lives and booking a flight to cities around the world. The truth is the majority of people reading these “wanderlust” jerking travel articles will never have the joy of travelling abroad.

Why not explore within Africa’s borders?

Africa boasts extreme beauty and – to be honest – a deeply rooted history which pains if you bear the brunt of the malicious atrocities she continues to suffer. It is this history that keeps her people connected and at the same time drives barriers between all who inhabit this land. It would do you well to consider exploring the knowledge which awaits you.

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Within Southern Africa, a knowledge so precious exists, one that can change the way you approach your life and that of others. Through conscious tourism in Southern Africa, you are exposed to the intricate lives of the Khoisan people. The ancestors who inhabited these fruitful lands have so much to teach us. Learn how these incredible humans navigated through Africa, only taking as much as they required to sustain their lives and no more. In countries such as South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, we are blessed to bear witness to the customs of the Khoisan people. Through rock art, San villages, cultural centres and more, you are able to transport yourself to a realm where the infinite wisdom of the Khoisan uplifts your spirit and affirms your connection to the notion that “WE ARE ONE”.


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Image courtesy @depressedtraveller via Instagram

To enhance your knowledge of the indigenous people of Southern Africa, check out the list of guided tours via Travelstart.

Featured Image Credit

Lady Skollie via Artsy

By Mandy Alexander

Learning. Conscious. Aware. Growing. Mindful. Human with melanin.

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